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Växter Älskar Hårdrock...

Enligt Daily Mail och Chris Beardshaw som är en prisbelönt brittisk trädgårdsmästare som kanske mest är känd för sitt arbete på BBC:s långvariga TV-serie "Gardeners' World" hävdar att om man exponerar ett växthus fullt av växter till en konstant diet av Black Sabbath så kommer detta göra underverk för att skapa större blommor i en trädgårds experiment.
Spelar man där i mot musik av Sir Cliff Richard å andra sidan så visade det sig detta vara en total katastrof och döda varje växt
Studien kom till därför att en av Beardshaws elever ville skriva en avhandling baserad på effekten av musik på växter.
Och på följande sätt förklaras det hela vidare:
"We set up four glasshouses with different sorts of music in to see what happened to the plants," said Beardshaw.

"We had one that was silent — that was a control house — and we had one that was played classical music, we had one that was played Cliff Richard and we had one that was played BLACK SABBATH.

"It was alstroemerias we were growing and we bombarded these glasshouses with sound for the life of the plant.

"We were measuring incidence of pest and disease, we were measuring inter-nodal distance, we were measuring the floriferous nature of them and that sort of thing and so the one that was grown as a control house grew really well as you'd expect.

"The one that was grown with classical music — a soft, almost a caressing of the plant when it is hit with that sort of soundwave — those grew slightly shorter because of the soundwaves bombarding them and were slightly more floriferous and there was slightly less pest and disease.

"And the ones with BLACK SABBATH — great big, thumping noise, rowdy music — they were the shortest, but they had the best flowers and the best resistance to pest and disease.

"The alstroemerias in the Cliff Richard house all died. Sabotage was suspected, but we couldn't prove it."


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