Exhumer Spelar In Sitt Första Album På 24 år...
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Exhumer som är ett tyskt thrash band kommer gå in i studion för att påbörja inspelningen på deras nya album, något som du nu inte gjort på hela tjugofyra år.
Bandets tredje skiva kommer att spelas in och mixas mellan början av Juni och slutet av Juli och Baptiste Treton kommer stå för omslaget.
Mem V. Stein (sångare) har sagt följande om det hela:
"We basically took off from playing live for this entire year in order to concentrate solely on writing, recording and mixing this record.
Waldemar was the most logical choice for us in regards to producing this very important album. We heard what he had done with the last Sodom album and we all agreed that he is capable of preserving the spirit of a 1980s thrash band but still make them sound relevant today. That is exactly what we envision for Exhumer. We became quite confident that we will achieve this objective after meeting Waldemar earlier this year and trust his intuition as a producer, songwriter and musician, as well as his ability to push Exhumer's envelope when it is necessary."
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